Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer

An expert panel, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reports on their evaluation of cancer risks that cell phones might possibly cause brain cancer.  The scientists have put the cancer risk in the same category as pesticide DDT, gas engine exhaust, lead, and chloroform.

There are steps we can take to minimize the risk from cell phones.  CNN put out this article http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/31/6-tips-for-minimizing-cell-phone-radiation/

The following links will provide more information:

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Confessions of a wild love affair

We are pleased as peach to share with you a wonderful piece written by our neighbor.  We hope you enjoy this as much as we do.  Thanks Paul for letting us post this.

Confessions of a wild love affair

Doting on Venus slippers
and rough-skinned newts

By Paul Keller

           Photo By Paul Keller

I treasure every season here.
From the welcome return of those long summer bare-toe days; to that tart-in-your-mouth, leaf-turning cool night first breath of fall; to winter’s revisit of wet and gray, good-for-hibernating short days—when the planet’s polar air mass shoves pell-mell down atop us once again with her ornery promises of ice and snow.
While I can find kinship with all these diverse phases of our calendar year here, my first and foremost true love will never change: the vernal equinox.
For the past 20 years, I have lived literally tucked away in the woods at the foot of the same towering, tree-thick east-west bearing mountain ridge. With no roads, no trails, no houses—and absolutely no people—this wild ridgeline tumbles down through every season in so many different generations of green.
Like I do at this time every year, each morning the past few days, I walk out my door into this ancient silence of cedar, hemlock and fir. I follow the twist of centuries-old deer trails back up into the places I know—from past explorations—where, just below my boots, trillium seeds now push new life up through the weight of the earth.
Even as I write this—after yet another long winter—they are remembering their way, once again, up toward the pull of February sun. With enviable grit and faith, they are renewing the beginning of this miracle we call spring.
Last year, on March 11, the first trillium blossom appeared.
To gently press my fingertip to the skin of this flower’s first glacial-white petals, restores my faith in the world.
Four days after I find that first trillium, I follow another route farther up the hill through the stubborn arms of shoulder-high mountain mahogany (used for arrow shafts by our area’s original residents) to greet—there beside the same congregations of licorice and lady fern—the season’s first faces of tiny yellow wood violets.
Now, in the next few weeks, I will once again salute and embrace the return of so many signs of spring—from vanilla leaf to the rare surprise of Venus slipper. And I will welcome back more than this wonderful celebration of wildflowers.
On March 10 last year, I watch a rough-skinned newt emerge for his mating season, slowly pulling his bright orange belly across the shadows of oxalis and salal. (Exactly where, five winters ago, I snowshoed onto the surprise of black-red snow to find a freshly killed adult deer at my feet. The hunter was four-legged. Still warm, the big doe was surrounded by explosions of huge cougar tracks.)
On March 16 last year, I watch a flame-crested pileated woodpecker, a juvenile, careen through dappled sunlight near that first Cascades frog-loving pond at the ridge’s top. Where I have also met the shy and mysterious rubber boa snake. (And where the male elk sometimes secretly return in the fall.)
On March 28, a golden eagle circles the sky over the rock field that sweeps down the hill just above my house. I will see and hear him throughout the summer, weaving the blue air or landing in the old wildfire-scarred snags high above this broad expanse of moss-covered rock. (Down below, I know a flat piece of basalt that you can lift to sometimes see a black scorpion scuttle back down its secret hole.)
Of course, that next day last spring, I also come home with the year’s first blood-sucking deer tick happily lodged in my body. Another apropos reminder that Ma Nature—she who creates not only wildflowers but devil’s club and stinging nettle—is no one-dimensional Pollyanna.
Every day I marvel at what might be moving down just beyond my porch light again tonight. Wolverine? Black bear? Bobcat? Cougar? I have had the honor to hold all four in my eyes here before.
So, how do I explain all this wonderment to the befuddled people who continue to ask: “You still live up on Mount Hood?”
It seems “success” in our jet-propelled, upwardly mobile peripatetic world is measured by how many times we relocate to ostensibly snare that bigger title.
In the Navajo language there is no word for “moving houses.”
I share this indigenous nation’s historical perspective. Of the two views of earth: as commodity/real estate or ancestor, I am unquestionably endeared to the latter.
For I have surely found my place right here where—after six long months—my own ancestors arrived in their ox-pulled wagons inside that beginning of fall 150 years ago.
I have no doubt that another six months later, they too marveled at their year’s first trillium. They knew, as I do, that they had finally found home.

Writer Paul Keller lives in the Upper Sandy River Watershed on the western slopes of Mount Hood.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mount Hood's unique economy

Sandy Palmer, the owner of our local bookstore sent this email message to me:

Jon Bell's article in Oregon Business magazine is very well done and I recommend it to you.
Jon Bell will be a guest June 10 on OPB Radio's Think Out Loud as part of their "Mt. Hood Inc." series. It will broadcast in front of a live audience at Timberline Lodge from 9-10 a.m.
Jon's book 'On Mount Hood' has just been published by Sasquatch books. I helped him to source some material and we will be scheduling a book talk here soon. I just received a complimentary copy of the volume and it looks great!
Jon Bell also has a website at http://onmounthood.com/

Wednesday, May 25, 2011




“My heart arose in gratitude to God that we had been spared to reach this land!  Six long months have elapsed since we left our native land, and now after having passed through dangers seen and unseen, sickness, trial and difficulty, toil and fatigue, we are safely landed on the Pacific shores!”
Ester Hanna September 16, 1852

The Barlow Road in Clackamas County
Many early pioneers recorded their journey along the Barlow Road, the westernmost segment of the Oregon Trail, in their diaries and journals.  In doing so, they not only documented their daily life along the trail, but described the location of this historic roadway.
With this information and physical evidence from the historic roadway, history buffs, property owners and archeologists have been able to determine the location of the Barlow Road in Clackamas County. The preservation of the Barlow Road began with the pioneers, has been managed through numerous property owners and historians, and is now the responsibility of the current land owners.
In 1993, the Barlow Road Management Plan was adopted by the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners through an extensive public process. The Plan outlined ways to preserve the Barlow Road for education and enjoyment today and in the future, and identified the need to develop a brochure to aid property owners in maintaining their portion of the Barlow Road.
Today there are traces of the original Barlow Road on only 11 miles of the total 50-mile Barlow Road Historic Corridor in Clackamas County. Much of the road has vanished (often in recent years) due to residential and commercial development, agricultural use and natural erosion. The low visibility of many of the remaining traces also makes them vulnerable, particularly when involving a variety of property
owners who may be unaware of the remnants, have varying degrees of interest or do not know how to care for the road. Therefore, the following information is provided to help protect and preserve existing road remnants and the historic landscape to avoid further loss.

Eight Simple Guidelines
Native vegetation helps prevent erosion of the land.
2.    LEAVE THE LARGER TREES (over 18 inches in diameter) These trees help date the road and may determine when the road was abandoned.
Rocks were often moved by pioneers to make way for their wagons.
Leave the soil and original grade of land intact for research purposes.
Prune during the spring or fall to avoid damage to their natural growth pattern.
This should not be done with heavy equipment, which may disturb the road surface.
7. SEARCH FOR ARTIFACTS Look for nails, barrel rims, horseshoes, ox shoes, signs of structures, etc. on the surface and for 200 feet either side of the trail. Leave objects where they are found, but mark the spot or document the object’s location so it can be used in the future by research historians. Seek assistance when unable to determine the historical nature of possible artifacts. Contact the Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development with any information which can be included with other Barlow Road documentation.
Remove any trash or objects foreign to the historic character of the roadbed.
Preserving the Road
Preservation, in general, means the least change and the most respect for historic sites which, in this case, is primarily the land and vegetation itself.  The Barlow Road, being the final segment of the Oregon Trail, is different from other portions in the United States because it traverses through land forested with Douglas-fir. Most wagon ruts are no longer visible and vegetation is often very dense. The road now appears as a flat open swale or depression of land roughly 8 to 10 feet wide, often overgrown with brush or berries with larger trees and sometimes boulders on either side of the swale. In order to retain the atmosphere of what the settlers may have seen along the way, the width of the road and its contour should not be altered. The older trees and plants should be preserved because the trees can help date the trail and the other native vegetation protects it from erosion. Therefore, the property can be maintained with a small amount of effort.
Not every property along the Barlow Road Historic Corridor has clearly visible remnants of the road. However, those properties with little physical evidence are important because they are part of the historic corridor and contribute to the continuity of the entire Barlow Road.
Why Preserve?
Preserving historic roads creates a connection with and appreciation for how people traveled and lived during the Western emigration. The remaining bits of evidence along the road may be few and far between, but they are elements of an important chapter in Oregon history. Each property is part of a network that makes up the history of the Barlow Road, and the Barlow Road Historic Corridor can only he managed through a partnership with the property owners. Participation in this preservation program is voluntary. Property owners who are active in maintaining their land should be praised for their dedication and hard work, and encouraged to continue their efforts. Property-owner stewardship is essential for saving this invaluable and irreplaceable piece of history and the only way to keep the Barlow Road Historic Corridor intact for future generations.
For more information, contact:
Historic Resource Planner Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development
Special thanks to: Mazamas US Forest Service
Cover Photo: Oregon Historical Society Negative Number OrHi 178 Lot 606
Published 1983. Revised 2008. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 21, 2011 is National Walk in the Woods Day

Saturday, May 21, 2011 is National Walk in the Woods Day™

The American Forest Foundation has proclaimed Saturday, May 21 as National Walk in the Woods Day™ as an event to celebrate the year-long 2011 International Year of Forests.

Designated by the United Nations General Assembly, 2011 International Year of Forests is designed to raise awareness of sustainable forest management and forest conservation.

AFF is playing a lead role in developing and facilitating a variety of U.S. celebrations throughout the year.

How can you celebrate National Walk in the Woods Day™ ?

                        Here's a picture of a piece of an old trail called North Mountain Trail.  It 
                        was used by native americans and the settlers to the Crutcher's Bench
                        area.  One of the reasons to take the trail, at least in the old days, was for
                        plentiful huckleberries that grew up there.  added by Dave Fulton

Discover a forest! No matter where you live, you don’t have to go far. Whether it's a city or state park, a private woodland, or a national park, take a walk in the woods – or better yet – take a child by the hand and explore together the wonders waiting for you in America’s forests. For some fun and informal educational activities, check out Project Learning Tree’s “Connecting Kids to Nature” activity series.
If you are a family forest landowner, we invite you to help others learn about the importance of forests for people by participating in, or leading, a National Walk in the Woods Day™activity.  Here are some ideas.
Invite your family, neighbors, elected officials, or other members of your community to join you for a walk on your Tree Farm.
Take your children, grandchildren, or neighbors’ children out exploring on your Tree Farm.  Use Project Learning Tree’s “Connecting Kids to Nature” activities.
Invite a local youth or after-school club to visit your Tree Farm.
Visit www.treefarmsystem.org/walkinthewoods for some resources and a tool kit to help plan your "walk in the woods."
Help a school improve its grounds by planting trees with students and their teacher.
Go camping, or just step outside and enjoy trees and all that they give us!

Whatever outdoor activity you plan for Saturday, May 21, National Walk in the Woods Day™, let us know about it so we can show just how many Americans care about their woods!

Source: http://www.affoundation.org/saturday--may-21--2011-is-national-walk-in-the-woods-day-

Thursday, May 19, 2011

FEMA Flood Insurance

FEMA Flood Insurance Program

The current Federal funding flood insurance program is set to expire Sept 30, 2011.  Over the past year the congressional budget wrangling has subjected this program to fits and starts, including two months without budget authorization.  The program is in the hole by $17.5 billion due to Katrina.

A house finance committee has been looking at this issue and has garnered further impetus with the current Mississippi flooding event.  The House committee passed a bill to:

  • Provide funding over five more years;
  • Allow premium increases beyond the existing 10% to as high as 20%;
  • Permit private insurance participation, including reinsurance;
  • Build in incentives to upgrade building codes;
  • Establish a Technical Mapping Advisory Council in response to concerns expressed by members of Congress and constituents who may find themselves living in a flood plain under new flood maps and dispute the findings http://insurancenewsnet.com/article.aspx?id=260911&type=propertycasualty
The proposed changes look reasonable and will add stability.  The bill also contains language supporting flood insurance for business losses.  According to some reports, the House is looking to pass legislation by Memorial Day with a bill to be signed by the President by Labor Day.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

monet in the woods

At this time of the year, as the alder and vine maple leafs are not yet full and show the "spring green" colors, a slow walk takes it all in.  I titled this short piece "monet in the woods" and it is.  Here are two pictures of what I mean.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Flooding: FEMA stats and a CNN opinion piece

What we see is that Oregon is one of the top ten states in amount of flood damage – we are good company with more populous states like NY, PA, IL, TX, and CA.  So Oregon must rank very high on flood damage per capita.  These statistics suggest more needs to be done to reduce losses due to flooding in the area of land-use regulations, development and building codes, and the implementation of more natural methods to allow account for flooding without incurring loss of property values.

The link also provides practical information about flooding.

On a literary bent

A link to a CNN opinion piece by author Ron Powers - Powers: “River ultimately does what it wants; we can't bring it to a scale we can contain”  Of course, he is writing about the Mississippi River but the same ideas apply to our rivers here (Salmon, Sandy, and Zigzag) and all rivers.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Flood management concepts

The link is to an article from the Washington Post which discusses attempts by varying agencies to mitigate damages due to flooding along rivers.  This paragraph summarizes the "modern" approach:

"Cities and counties are buying up homes and farms and relocating residents to restore flood plains and wetlands. They’re moving levees back from the water’s edge. And they’re ditching steep concrete channels in favor of gently sloped green spaces."

It is good to be aware of what's happening elsewhere while we work with land-use planning issues along our rivers in the Mt. Hood corridor.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Notes on the Withdrawal of the Benchwood Lane Cell Tower Application

Notes on the Withdrawal
of the Benchwood Lane Cell Tower Application

First off the zoning ordinances for Clackamas County may be, and more than likely are, different from other cities and counties.  We were lucky to have 60 day lead time before the hearing.  Our county needed to give us only 30 days notice. That extra time meant we could work through a lot of issues, build a base of interest, and find folks willing to take on specific tasks.

We found the original application provided poor answers and gave little explanatory information.  We understand that the current approval process generally has:  (1) either no opposition and gets approved easily, or (2) in a few cases generates lots of opposition and then it is 50-50 whether it gets approved. So the applicants have learned that they do not need to submit a good, complete application in the beginning.  Without opposition all they have to do is satisfy the minimum requirements of a planning department.  Remember the FCC has put great pressure on local planners to push these approvals on a timely manner. Indeed, FCC rules issued in Nov 09 give planners 150 days to rule on a new cell tower and 120 days for a cell antenna.  On the other hand, if there is opposition, then there may be weak areas in the application to challenge.  

The financial arrangements are not at all clear.  Just one week before the Hearing we found out that the cell tower would be owned by the cell phone company. The firm that filed the application appears to be doing nothing more than "prospecting."  We do have serious reservations about the cell phone company having a front man for the application process.  We have serious reservations about an application for a cell phone company that was never signed by the principal – is this valid?  We have serious reservations that the county accepted such an "incomplete" application.   We have serious reservations about the process because it hinders the ability of timely, adequate citizen input.

Two significant pieces are supposed to be in place prior to the submission of an application to the planning department.  The cell phone company should clear all hurdles for environmental and scenic/historic issues.  So when a cell phone tower application is filed with the planning department, a determination of a need for an environmental review would have been made and, if needed, either completed or nearly so.  We had no environmental hurdles, for two example, endangered species or migratory bird corridor.  Also there is a process for review of potential impacts on scenic areas and historical sites within a narrow radius (ours was 1/2 mile radius).  The scenic/historic review was completed about one month after our application was submitted.  Even though the scenic/historic determination did not fully consider everything, we were unable to document anything significant enough to convince the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to change their assessment of "no impact".  Note that part of the historic review includes the cell phone company contacting nearby Native America Reservations to find out about any sacred lands.  In our case, the Clackamas Indians were "deported" to the Grande Ronde Reservation who may have little record of sacred sites of the Indian tribes of Clackamas County.  So other tribes may not always be helpful. Nonetheless, the opposition should be aware of these pre-processes and make sure nothing is overlooked.  Some folks believe the process is supposed to be more open to include public hearings.  

The construction of cell phone towers and choosing best locations for coverage is a highly technical field.  We were unable to find any RF engineer to openly assist us.  All of their business is with the cell phone industry and they are afraid of being "blacklisted".   We have a neighbor who is into ham radios so we did have someone who could help with the technology issues.  Since the county relies on the applicant, challenging the cell phone company, by the opposition, on technical grounds may be very difficult or impossible. 

The issue of existing coverage may be important.  The applicant claimed that there were gaps in cell phone coverage along Highway 26 from Rhododendron to Sandy.  We were able to show that there was complete coverage for the whole distance.  The importance comes in when the application is for new coverage, the Hearings Officer may be more lenient.  If the application is to “beef-up” existing coverage, the Hearings Office may push the applicant to consider alternative locations or make other limitations.

The opposition's task is to fight the given application.  The "powers that be" have identified what is not to be a factor in the decision.  These "non factors" include: health (direct edict from FCC); environment, scenic, and historic (remember, should have been taken care of); location (the chosen site is a business decision. another site would be a different application) and process (the contractor, phone company and landowner(s) all have an agreement - so none can pull out or change without violating the agreement and the existing process must go until it ends).  We did keep making it clear that the Board of County Commissioners, our elected representatives DID have control over location, collocatable sites, height and camouflage.

Visual effects can be very important, especially to show impact on neighbors, scenic/historic areas and tourist trade.  We ended up doing our own balloon tests.  Due to our visual testimony, the applicant withdrew their variance request  (for a 150’ tower - zoning limit is 100’).  They had said no balloon test was necessary.  The County could not force them.

In our rural environment, we expect the need for cell towers to be limited.  With about one cell phone tower per 1600 people, our CPO estimated that we would need 2 or 3 towers for 4500 population plus tourists.  Also like most rural area, we have topographical hurdles for good coverage so just one location will never do.  This means that advanced planning with the county is preferred in order to identify good coverage locations in areas/zones that would work for the installation of a cell phone tower.  In our case the original application noted the two cell towers that covered our area were 14 miles to the east (Frog Butte, near Mt. Hood) and 14 miles to the west (before the town of Sandy). However, near the end of the process we found out they also had a cell phone antenna site less than 5 miles from the proposed location and this site was not referenced in the filing.   Why doesn’t the County know where the cell phone towers and antennas are? 

One significant consideration for the applicant is to consider collocation sites - such as, other cell towers, tall buildings, water systems, and power lines. “Don't build a new tower when an existing site would do.”  The applicant failed to take this step seriously and never submitted a listing of possible collocation sites and explain why they would not be satisfactory for their purposes.  Some locations can be easily explained away.  Other possible sites may require an engineer to determine if the antenna can be erected on that building or water tower or whatever.  Then an RF engineer should review all of the potential sites to determine if any of them meets their coverage needs.  We never saw any such review or analysis. Our CPO continues to seek a comprehensive review of communication needs with all stakeholders in order to improve all kinds of communication needs of our citizens, safety organizations, and businesses.

We consciously decided not to raise the issue of health.  Some of our citizens felt that we should do so in order to educate the public even if it meant we lost. The majority of the group was not willing to risk losing. However we have seen the research and believe that the health risks, especially to children, are well documented.  That Respect PDX, a Portland Oregon group opposing a cell tower, is using the movie Full Signal and working with Portland politicians and policy makers to challenge the FCC on the health issues is important. 

We also had a media campaign, letters to the editor, a petition drive, and a remarkable DVD that showed, fact by fact, where the application misspoke or made false claims.  The DVD included showing, via a topographical program similar to that used by cell companies, which co-locations would bring the most cell coverage to the broadest area and how the proposed location would not enhance coverage in the way the application claimed.