Thursday, March 6, 2014

Organic Agriculture: 'The Way Forward' in the Age of Climate Change

New report contrasts how industrial and organic systems affect and are affected by climate change

- Andrea Germanos, staff writer
Photo: Don Shall/cc/flickrCling to a food system that contributes to climate change and jeopardizes food security, or adopt a regenerative system that strengthens food security and helps mitigate the climate crisis—"The choice is ours to make," a new report states.
From the Center for Food Safety's Cool Foods CampaignFood & Climate: Connecting the Dots, Choosing the Way Forward contrasts the dominant, fossil-fuel dependent industrial agriculture system with organic and agroecological systems, and shows how the environmentally-friendly approach is also the best hope for future global food security as it not only reins in runaway carbon emissions but offers climate resilience as well.
The concept of resilience is key, report author and Cool Foods Campaign director Diana Donlon explained in an interview with Common Dreams.
for the rest of the post

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